…..clean an oyster reef tank while donning a wet suit, snorkel gear, and a couple scrub brushes.
- Use the toothbrush sized brush for EVERYTHING! It will take you two hours but your boss will literally say that it is the cleanest he has ever seen the tank. He might even give you advice on how to make it less clean to save you time…haha.
- Be aware that guests are watching…so try not to point your butt at them the whole time.
- Move slowly so that you don’t flail around like an overweight seal.
- Leave a little water in the goggles so that you just have to give them a little slosh to un-fog them.
- DON’T PANIC when something brushes up your leg. It’s just a turtle…and it’s just friendly….too friendly!
- DON’T try to get the water out of the wetsuit by unzipping your boots at the edge of the tank. I may have made the tank the cleanest…but I made the floor the messiest!
- DON’T wear a wetsuit that is too big for you, air bubbles inside will gas off through the cracks at any moment, which will make you want to call, “it wasn’t me!” through the snorkel.
- DON’T burp through the snorkel…it will act as an amplifier.
What to expect:
- Parents taking photos of their child next to your butt…haha. Good thing black is slimming.
- People to think that you can’t hear them through the water. (Which brings me to my next point…)
Things overheard:
Teenage Boy 2 – “Nah-uh. That’s not real!”
Child –“¡Mira!”
Papa –“¿Que haciendo?”
Child –“No Sé”
Little Girl –“Look mommy!”
Mom –“Yes, she’s cleaning. That’s her job.”
Little Girl –“ I want a job here someday”