Thursday, December 19, 2013

I lied!

So I lied to you.  I said that nothing noteworthy has happened.  But that was before my day off.  I decided to go to the bike trail today.  On the way there I met 3 wild turkeys on the road that didn't seem to approve of my music selection (Macklemore and Ryan Lewis in this instant) and ran into the woods.  Once I got to the nature park, it was so warm you wouldn't believe that Christmas is coming in 6 days.

So I hit the trail hard...stopping every once in a while when I saw movement in the trees.There was a pair of cardinals that caught my eye.  I hit the brakes as soon as I saw the flash of red, but if you read about my first bike experience you will know the state of my brakes.  Needless to say, I had to back up.  By then the male had flown to a nearby tree.  The female was still near though, and she would talk the male.  He would "chip" "chip" and then she would "chip" "chip" "chip" right back to him.  Eventually he convinced her to join him safely in his tree.  And I was happy to witness it.  So happy, it was time for a chocolate break.

A Sunny Trail for Riding
Once I completed the beginner's trail, I started on the intermediate and decided that it was a bad life decision.  I think I have either taken too many chocolate breaks in the last few months, or winter automatically makes you lazy and fat.  But either way, I was not a fan of what was happening to myself as I jiggled over roots and around stumps on that trail.  As soon as I saw an access road, I was out of there...and I blamed it on the gunshots I heard in the distance (though I know hunters aren't really in the nature park, I thought it sounded like a good first ya know!)

I had to make the most of the 30 min drive out here, because I felt like I needed more than 15 mins of trail before I took off for another 30 min drive.  So I found myself heading to Brunswick town to read my book on the boardwalk overlooking the river.  Now this was a good life choice....and I felt much better.

UNTIL on the ride back a very overweight squirrel ran out in front of my car!  He was fat and all black with white feet.  I hit the breaks so hard that my bike helmet flew off the seat onto the floorboards before my poor excuse for a "mom arm" could get over there.  Don't squirrels were harmed in today's events.

So, until Next time... :-) I will leave you while I sip my chai latte at the coffee shop and finish my gradschool application.

Sorry Folks

Sorry Folks that it has been so long since my last post.  Things have been busy.  Though busy, nothing really noteworthy happened.  So it wasn't like I could rush off to blog about my time eating Greek yogurt and honey while listening to Irish Christmas songs and procrastinating on my terrarium maintenance.  But hey!  Here's an update.

  • I finished designing and building the terrarium for the frogs.
  • I sang in the Christmas Cantata
  • I painted my last Christmas present yesterday
  • I am still applying for jobs
  • I am flying to Ohio tomorrow (by way of La-Guardia and Detroit...wish me luck)
  • And...I guess that's all the excitement for one day...haha.

I am sure I will have some terrifying or funny airport story to tell you on Saturday.  So until then, sorry folks!