Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Soo...the Helicopter ride didn't work out yet.  Engine trouble the morning of our ride.  At least it wasn't engine trouble the moment of our ride... O.o

Sooo... I went to the store yesterday for some necessities.  As I entered the Laundry Detergent Isle I found a middle aged man and an older woman staring blankly at the rows upon rows of colorful bottles.  So I stepped into the middle of them and did the same.  My thoughts, "Wow so many,  do they all do the same thing?  I want the one that cleans the best but costs the least....and it should smell good too."  Continue blank stares.

There was movement on my right, the older lady leaned in to read the Purex a little closer.  Then stepped back again.  The man on my left is still motionless....baffled even.  So I take the opportunity to speak.

"Do you think perhaps they gave us too many options?",  I say.  The woman shoots me a semi-dirty look and grabs the ALL before leaving.  The man on my left says, "It's like Jeopardy, looking at the stuff makes you feel dumb."  Then he turns around to face the fabric softeners with a look of enlightenment.  "Ah, there they are!"

He grabs a bottle and leaves as well.  I decided that using my sense of sight wasn't working through this problem, so then I started smelling them until I came to one that worked for me.  Still don't know what brand I bought...but I am not sure it even matters.

NOW, don't get my started on toothpaste.  First of all, shouldn't they all protect from cavities, I mean the very nature of brushing your teeth is for that specific purpose.  So, what makes a toothpaste worthy of the mark, "Cavity Protection."  Then, everyone claims to whiten the teeth, but surely some whiten more than others.  Maybe we could have a Whitening scale.  Like, this paste kinda whitens while this other one extremely whitens.

I was at a loss since I couldn't sniff or taste the paste.  Instead I tried to find something unique about one so that it stood out to me.  I ended up with some sort of Aquafresh micro-foaming paste...because nobody else claimed to make little bubbles...just saying.


I may never be an effective shopper
or fly around in a helicopter
But I think I would be a hog
if I didn't make a video blog
for my dear friend Eliza.

The Video blog is coming soon dear, thank you for your patience.

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