Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years

The New Years has always been an odd time.  For me, it hasn't been one of those lets celebrate with fireworks and champagne things.  It never has been.  It marks the passage of time, but not in the fun "lets celebrate your life" way that birthdays have been known for.  It's always been more of a "what has happened to the world" sort of way.

It has always been easier to see the negative in the world that grows each year.  Christians saying offensive things that make the news for weeks, while rappers spit whatever venom they want about animal sex with their slave woman.  And then feminists sneaking the lie that abortion is a basic right of all women into their theology.  Lest we forget the incredibly failing mental health and social care systems that leave us wondering what the new year may hold.  Possibly the biggest problem is that people NEED others to agree with them to validate their opinions.  Because of this, we are in a constant state of arguing just so that we can feel that we are right.  If you don't agree...lets agree not to and move on.  :-)

So here we are full circle.  I am in the car heading back to Ohio for a few days after the holiday.  Not dissimilar to the one last year, and I have a lot of time to think.  Yeah yeah's easy to peg the negative that has been happening.  But what about the positive?  Let's look into that.

The positive is a little harder to come by, because the news seldom focuses on it.  But here are some things right off the top of my head and feel free to add your own.  Loggerhead Sea Turtle numbers are tentatively on the rise in NC.  There are amazing leaps in the medical field now.  A plane full of passengers were granted their Christmas wishes this holiday season.  And our great Aid Organizations are still going strong.  Long story short.  There is still a lot of good in the world.  And perhaps this year doesn't have to be one to dread, but instead to look forward to.  If we just work together with love, imagine the amazing things that can happen. BEING HOPEFUL IS A CHOICE...and I am making that one now. You with me?

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