Monday, August 25, 2014

The Quest for Squeaky Cheese

This is the story of the quest for the mysterious squeaky cheese (aka. squeeky least aka to me...)

A long time ago, when I was still a zoo-keeper here in the mountains of NC (which wasn't really a long time ago seeings how my last day was like 2 days ago), I was told of something called, "Ashe County Squeaky Cheese".  I was told over lunch one day that this said cheese would squeak as you chewed it.  What is this nonsense!?!?  Cheese that squeaks!

Ever since that moment, whenever a visitor came and asked, "what should we do?", I would throw out a few suggestions, "Linville Falls, Linville Caverns, Boone, a coffee shop in Spruce Pine, Hiking..." then I would throw out there hopefully, "Or we could find the mysterious Ashe county squeaky cheese."  Most people didn't go for that last option, and I thought I would never solve the mystery.

Towards my last day of work, I found in a littered magazine a coupon for Ashe County Cheeses.  "That's it!", I thought.  "If anyone has a clue to finding the mysterious squeaky cheese, they do!"

My mother came down from Ohio to get me all packed up and moved out of my apt.  I normally would have done it myself but without a car, the 10 hr drive home would have been even longer to walk especially with my futon.  :-P

The best part of mama's visit is that we gave ourselves one free day to enjoy.  And she agreed to spend it with me and my coupon in search of the mysterious Squeaky Cheese!  We headed to Ashe County which is full of lush green rolling hills and cattle only to find ourselves staring three giant metal cows in the face in front of a factory on Main Street.  They had a viewing room where we could watch the cheese being made and a short informational video.  BUT alas, no sign or mention of squeaky cheese. (they did mention a cheddar that was aged for 5 years though. Keep in mind that extra sharp cheddar only has to be aged for 15 this stuff is SHARP!)

We made our way over to the store to use the coupon and found that they had free samples.  After some cheddar and bleu cheese I decided that perhaps I had my leg pulled. (Figuratively)  You see, most people in Avery County didn't know about the cheese and the person who told me about it knew that I was a foreigner/northerner.  It would be too easy to convince me of something as ridiculous as the cheese that squeaks when you eat it.  Perhaps I was duped, hoodwinked, or hornswoggled into believing them.

Mom opened a sample labeled "Cheese Curds" and offered me a toothpick full.  As I placed it in my mouth, mom got really excited.  "IT SQUEAKS!", she exclaimed.  And at that moment I bit down to the loudest squeak session since the middle school gym full of sneakers.  WE FOUND IT!  The mysterious Ashe County Squeaky Cheese wasn't a cheese at all!  It was cheese curds!  Who would have known?  I helped myself to much more of them and allowed the chorus of squeaks to fill my head like an angelic choir.

We later ate at a place called Black Jack Bar and Restaurant because it claimed to have the best burgers in town, which it did.  And we then tried out that 5 yr old cheddar mama bought.  I swear I tasted it before my tongue hit it.  It was like the air around it was already flavored.  And I will leave you with a quote from Mama about that one, "Its so sharp I need to swallow band-aids for my stomach!" BWA HA HA!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Advice Not Afffirmation

I came under the realization after training camp that I feign confidence while seeking affirmation.  I so want to be told that I am doing the right thing (because I am so often unsure if I am or not), that I keep throwing it out there until someone agrees with it.  But is it not much more effective to just be honest and ask for advice if I am uncertain?  This is something I hope to work on while I am on the field.  Also perhaps, I need to work on being more confident in my decisions in the first place.  BUT, such is life.

I am packing everything up over the next couple days, and saying my awkward goodbyes to everyone here in the mountains.  I have arranged to visit family for a few days, and then I am off to Haiti probably the 8th or 9th of Sept.  Depending on the time I have over the next few days, I may not write again until Haiti.  But then again, I may.  {Uncertain much? :-) Exceedingly and Always.}

Anyway, my amazing mother has offered to drive the 9.5 hrs here to pick me up since my car is in pieces.  She is coming on Saturday.  That is 3 days away!  It is weird how fast time flies.  I feel like I just moved here.  And imagine what a month will feel like as it passes in Haiti, and Bolivia, and Thailand.  Next thing you know, I will be back in America in GradSchool.  SLOW DOWN LIFE!

More information on the mission work I will be doing in Haiti can be found on my mission blog at

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Almost Normal - The World Goes On As You Sleep

If you didn't know it already, I was in a car wreck.  I did it all by me one-sy and the details can be found here.  I have found that over a week, your outlook changes a lot.  First, my world was rocked!  Nothing would be the same ever again.  Then, I was forced to rest my sore little body and I discovered that the world goes on around you as you sleep.  I have never been good at rest, so I then decided it was time to be almost normal again.  I have to say almost normal because I still tire so easily.  Buying peanut butter at the store one morning wore me plum out and I had to take a nap.  (ridiculous huh?  I need a power bar or something right?)

Anyway, I am slowly coming back into this world, the world that continues to rush by me as I rest.  I go back to work on Monday (light duty) and I realize that I have only two weeks left before I resign and begin to pack my bags for Mission work.  Life is full of surprises, but perhaps it is about time that I learn to rest.  Perhaps this accident is a good thing.  And perhaps it will help me end well here in the mountains of NC.