Monday, December 19, 2016

Valley of Bones

Seasons are flying by, and I am loving all the things that are happening.  The bluegrass band I am in is recording a CD, the dog is happy (especially after meeting may family in Maryland over Thanksgiving), I have a break from classes, gym classes are good, and I am getting into the holiday music any time I am at my desk at work.

One thing that has still been a little off though is connecting with God.  I have thought and over-thought about it.  And I still don't feel the level of intimacy that I felt with Him on the mission field or in other times of my life.

But then I get thinking about the Israelites and how they pine for Egypt when they are faced with the desert.  How often do we distort the past when the future is unknown?  Perhaps that is what I am doing here.  Perhaps I remember being closer to God, because I remember only the moments of revelation, not the moments of silence and waiting.  And perhaps I am just as close now as I have ever been.

Maybe it is a perspective thing, and I need to keep focused on Him in the now, to keep the right perspective.

Not long ago I was reading about Ezekiel and about how he entered the valley (the low place) as he was being led by Holy Spirit.  Maybe when we are in low points in our lives, it's because we are following His lead.  Really, Christians are never set apart by their mountain-top experiences, but by how they respond to the valley.

Anyway, I oddly enough see myself both as Ezekiel who God has lead to speak life into dry bones, and also as the bones.  I feel dry, and worn, and dead at times.... but instead of just laying around on the ground waiting for life, perhaps, I am called to speak that life.  I, perhaps, am the one to speak His truth over myself until the life flows, the breath enters, and the army is raised, so then I can go on and do the same for others.  What am I waiting for?

Ezekiel 37:1-14New King James Version (NKJV)

The Dry Bones Live

37 The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
So I answered, “O Lord God, You know.”
Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LordThus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”’”
So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.
Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.”’” 10 So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.
11 Then He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!’ 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. 13 Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up from your graves. 14 I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and performed it,” says the Lord.’”

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Collecting Wiregrass Seeds

A video blog from Today's Adventure in Manassas Bog.

Growing in Intimacy

I suppose sometimes growing feels a lot like failing.

I think in a lot of areas of life I find that I learn more from my errors than from the things I do right.  And in this case, I am learning to be in a relationship with God.

It is something that I did very well for quite some time.  I was great at just being in love with Him because honestly, I felt in love with Him.  Rough times happened, especially when mental health came on the line, I needed Him, I got mad at Him, but I always came back to Him.  It was a relationship.

These past few months, nothing as dramatic as anxiety attacks in a foreign nation has occurred.  But something perhaps even more deadly to faith.  And that is complacency.  I have found that I got to a place where I didn't feel the presence of God.  And I sought it...but couldn't find it.

Over a LONG time of introspection and asking wise people in my life...I think I figured out a few general points that I have been learning (not always living...but it's one step at a time).
  • "God, doesn't move, you move"-FALSE.  God moves a lot...we just have to be sure we are going in the same direction as Him.  Sometimes like the young woman in Song of Solomon, God calls us to go with Him, and we just let Him move forward without us.
  • But, when we are ready, and see our error, He will always come back to meet us where we are.
  • Just because you don't feel the presence of God, doesn't mean you aren't in it.  And sometimes, God will withhold the feeling because we get addicted to that.  We want the power of the Spirit more than the Living God Himself...
  • Seek and Ye Shall Find- TRUTH!  But be sure you are seeking God, not the experience, the giver of gifts, or the god we want Him to be.
  • Be intentional.  Invite Him into the every day.  Be disciplined and yet, spontaneous, and have faith.
My current "Georgia momma" and mentor said it best when she said "Being intimate with Jesus I believe is like a marriage.  You may have days where you may not feel the intimacy but it is there. You know the song by Kari Jobe-The More I Seek You? You turn by seeking Him!  Throughout the day-pray without ceasing-give Him thanks and PRAISE at every turn.  Pray in the Holy Spirit!  Let Him speak to you through scriptures! LISTEN to His still small with Him, lay your head on His lap..."

She basically said that the key to having a relationship with God is seeking a relationship with God.  Intentionally seeking it.  I have been very busy...with perhaps things that don't really matter.  But I somehow manage to fill the hours of the day and the space in my mind so well, that all I can do is shove God to a small corner of my heart that I access during my "quiet time" once a day.

What kind of relationship is that?  A marriage would never work if you said, "Honey, I give you from 7-7:30 each morning and the rest of the day is mine.  Oh, I will talk about you during the day, but we meet in the mornings"  It doesn't work that way.  To be truly in love with God is to invite Him into every aspect and moment.  And that takes time, mental space, planning, and intentionality.  It is exhausting...and I am failing at it. 

But I think that means I am growing.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Burning it Up

I feel like every blog from here on out is going to be about how fast the time has passed.  But boy, I feel like September just burned up in a instant.

Namely it is because I joined a gym and have been going to workout classes every morning at 5:30 am but also because of the pup.

She is well, and we spent the whole day together in the nearby town playing in parks and eating out at  open air restaurants, and walking around meeting new people.  She was abused before I got her, so I am teaching her that people are good. (she only barked at two we are getting better).

I just got the email to register for my spring classes...and I was thinking in all my current fatigue," do I really want to"?  But I better go ahead and sign up before I think too much about it.  I will finish my Masters...I just need to persevere.

Lastly, at work we are prepping firelines to get things burned before planting longleaf this winter.  So perhaps I should wait before I claim that September was burned up...since literally I will be burning November to the ground...haha.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Feeling Behind

Wow!  I am feeling behind on all my updating.  It's been a whirlwind here.

First of all...stuff happened.  Namely, my boss telling me out of the blue, "if you feel lonely or scared by living out in the woods by yourself, then you can get a dog."  I promptly told him that I did not want a dog, because those things live longer than goldfish, and I already hit my commitment quota by joining a gym.

Later, someone else teased me about getting a puppy.  And then I promptly told God, "People keep bringing up this topic, but you know I am not going and getting a dog.  If you want me to have one, you just have to drop it in my lap."  One Saturday morning, I was rushing out the door and, yep you guessed it.  A puppy...a little 4 month old hound/lab mix was just looking miserable at my doorstep.

She was so covered in fleas that as she scratched, she would whine because it hurt.  I just cried.  I knew I couldn't take care of a puppy, but I just couldn't leave her in that I said, one step...I will just take one step.  So I washed all her fleas off.  Then I called my friend who owned a kennel and told her I didn't know the next step.  I wasn't keeping her but I needed help.

Well my kennel friend showed up with puppy supplies, and that dog ran right to my side for protection...apparently she already adopted me.  So now, I can't imagine life without her.  It's been a full month and I love my baby Jade so much.  We are doing all the right things with the vet and I am reading more about puppy training online than I am school work.  But she does make my heart smile.

This is Jade playing with her husky friend who likes to visit.

Other than puppy and school, the most recent excitement was a trip to the mountains.  My mother has a birthday this week, and it being labor day weekend, we had a longer one than normal.  My mother said in passing, "oh I wish I could come down and see you...."  And between the two of us, within 48 hours we had her plane ticket booked and a cabin in the woods rented.  We spent an awesome weekend grilling out, visiting the small mountain town of Blue Ridge, sampling chocolate, visiting a winery, and hiking to a waterfall.  I had a great deal of rest and enjoyment with her, and brought her back to the airport.

Unfortunately, my car broke down about an hour away from home, so I am even more behind on the many things I should have done this weekend...but I wouldn't change it for the world!

One topic that keeps coming up in my Quiet Time is the need to breathe.  To just rest, to not have to do all the time, despite the fact that doing gives me a semblance of control...but just to be.  To rest, to truly trust that all my needs will be met, that not every single thing has to be in order for me to move forward, and to rest.  So I think in lieu of giving myself an ulcer...I should breathe and rest.  SELAH!  :-)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Update and Seasonal Gardening Blog

Hi Hi Hi!

Work has been a little busy since I have been trying to incorporate my gradschool IAP work in with my workplace.  And it is going quite well!  I have actually started designing a cost benefit analysis on herbicides with the hope of opening up the pine forest for red-cockaded woodpeckers, which I am hoping may be publishable research someday.

That aside, I have been able to catch up on some personal things, like finally going to the doctor about my cyst and turned ankle (from Mongolia), and I even ordered some new glasses after heading into the city of Savannah for an appointment.  I did enjoy the mini-vacation that the trip turned into.

Lastly, I have been seeking counsel from a few Godly people who have, without knowing, confirmed what the other has advised.  Despite being called to be an intercessor (a call I got long ago but finally agreed to do recently during my visit to Korea), I am actually in a season where I cannot contend and pray in the way I want.  I think to myself that I need to spend so much time in disciplined structured prayer and scripture meditation.  But honestly, I need to just sit and soak in the presence of God.  I have been trying that lately and powerful prayer (though it doesn't look or feel like it in the natural) comes out of that.  I have found that there is so much power in praising God not for what He has done, but for who He is...which is one thing I have been doing in that "soaking" time.  I asked God to meet me in new get what you ask for.

My fall class begins in a few weeks, so I am trying to keep up my website that I designed for the class from last spring.  I make a quick blog on it about planting in season, so if you want to check that out:

Things are really starting to turn up.  And I am so very very glad about that.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

New Ways

I got really mad at God last week.  It sounds really silly to be mad at the God of the Universe, the one who created all things, and all that.  I mean, by being mad at Him, it really achieves nothing, but human emotions are weird.

It all started with things that He was calling me to in my recent short visit to Korea.  I finally said yes to being an intercessor.  I finally agreed to take the steps, to pray for more discernment to hone my gift and also for Him to meet me in new ways in the coming season (because the old ways just won't do for what I am called to).

Immediately after that, I couldn't hear God.  I couldn't feel God.  I thought this must be an attack of the enemy, something that I would have to endure.  But after three weeks, I got a little miffed.  Why do I have to endure?  What if I never feel God again? What if I never ever felt Him before?  What if it is all in my head?  What if there is really no God?  (I just got real with you here!)

Now, I want to interject.  The first part of this experience (not feeling or not hearing from God) was NOT from satan...nor was it an attack.  But the second part (the doubt, fear, worry, and disbelief) was most DEFINITELY a manipulative attack of the enemy.  And yes, though it makes no sense...God is real. But back to my tale....

So. After finally admitting to Him that I was mad, I "took a break".  Which is silly too.  Though I went about 3 days without having a scheduled quiet time, I never really stopped talking to Him.  Because in my life, my relationship with God is just that...a relationship.  We talk all day together.  Well, of course I was doing all the talking lately, but you know.  In a relationship, the wife doesn't say to the husband, "I don't feel married right now, so I am going to avoid you..."  Haha!

In the same way, taking a break was stupid.  But once I came back into my quiet times, I came in with a zealous goal of figuring this out and making it right.  Because I love Him just too much to live without Him.

Well, at this point God gave me a hint.  Well, pretty much the whole picture.  He started piecing together things from Korea, my own reading and heart, and sermons I was listening to from my old church.  And I finally got it.  And boy did I feel silly when I did.

Bottom Line and the Reader's Digest Version of all that came to light:  The Pillar of Fire and Cloud in the desert never left its spot before the people except for one time.  It went behind them to block the Egyptians when it was time for the Israelites to cross the sea.  In the same way, the presence of God was not gone in my life, it was just positioned differently because I have a great step to take forward.  And how in the world can I pray for God to meet me in New Ways and then to search for Him down the same old paths? 

God is also teaching me to be less dependent on my feelings, but to truly learn all aspects of discernment (another thing that I was praying for before all this happened).  I believe this time is a time for me to learn to fellowship with Holy Spirit not just in power and feeling, but in the truth of the scripture.  So, I may not feel very close to God lately, but I need to learn that feelings are not the only indicator of the relationship.

LONG STORY SHORT- I got mad at God for answering all my prayers...haha.  But now that I see what is happening, I am excited to see how He will meet me in these new ways.  Thanks for your continued prayers all!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Climbing the Singing Dune

Believe it or not... the Gobi desert is actually not all sand dunes and camels. It actually has plains and mountains, glaciers and crazy wildlife (like bears...)

But there is one famous dune there called Singing Dune. The wind blows hard across it making a sound while sandblasting all the tourists that are crazy enough to try to climb up a 45° incline on sand (which falls with each to avoid making no progress with so much effort you have to use your hands and feet).

After about two hours of bear-crawling up the dune, I was able to sit atop where it subsequently rained and kept the Singing Dune from its song. So after my exfoliating experience on the top, I sang my favorite Mongolian lullaby with my guide as we slid down on our backsides...haha. In theory, it was still the Singing Dune, right ?

Other highlights of that day, camel riding, archery, and sneaking into the rec center at camp for table tennis with my awesome guide. We are so naughty...haha.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Goodbye UB...Hello Gobi

Today is my last day in the capital city, Ulaanbataar.  I have very much enjoyed the city life; seeing a fashion show at the textile company, paying way too much to see the world's largest statue of Chinggis Khan, breakfast at my favorite Korean Coffee Shop, and a walk around town/folk art museum.

But in a few hours, I will be heading by plane to the Gobi desert to see the famous two humped-camels. I am not sure the living conditions or the internet situation...but I will be sure to share all about the place and experience when I get back.

Until then...

Sneak peek of the fashion show!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

More than Words Can Say

I have completely lost track of the passage of time these days. The sun rises around 6am if not sooner and sets after 11pm.  Not only that, but there is a flexibility in our studies which comes from working so closely with the locals. For that reason we were never given a day-to-day schedule.

This worked out incredibility well when one morning we were visiting a some nomadic herdsmen in their Ger and were then invited to a festival which turned out to be a precursor to the annual event Naadaam. What we got to see was a children's horserace (where they walked into the Steppe one km then raced back), and the wrestling competition for adults. The outfits were colorful and traditional yet very goofy looking to the outside eye. And the winners of each round would grab a handful of cheese from the judges and throw into the audience. Such a cultural experience!

That threw off the schedule that I was never tracking with anyway, and we found ourselves going at the speed of light… lessons, presentations, adventures, all blended into an amazing experience which concluded with making and flying kites with the kids from our Ecospot Radio Workshop and then a huge traditional barbecue. There was dancing and singing from everyone though the Mongolian typically sounded much better.

In losing track of time, I have been told this is our last day out in the middle of nowhere. So I chanced turning on the phone to type out this blog (no electricity for charging). Tonight we should be back in the capital, Ulanbaatar. After a short time there, myself and two others will begin our Gobi Desert Adventure! Note sure what to expect, but when have I ever known what to expect on this trip. I am just here for the ride!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Seoul Time

After returning to Seoul very late at night on the last KTX train (since I, despite all my timing and planning, missed the original train...haha) I found myself sleeping on the couch of my new CC pastor.

I got to have coffee, great conversation, and prayer, with my old CC pastor and friend in the morning. I had lunch with my old small group leader and loved the familiar feel, like I had never left.

Then I got onto the subway to go to Seoul Forest with the best laid plans of renting a bike. But alas, when I exited the subway, it was pouring rain. However, if you ever want the rain to and umbrella, and that is exactly what I did!

And of course, once I bought my $6 umbrella, the rain quit. Haha. So really, I didn't waste money on an umbrella but instead, I changed the weather for six bucks which is a very good deal...haha.

I then proceeded to rent a bike to explore the park...which is huge!

There was a lot to see, but most noteworthy perhaps was the deer corral. They have like this little feeding zoo just for deer. I am really not sure why. But I met a couple girls who were really freaked out by deer tongue and had me help feed them through the fence.

After that, I pedalled along the river a little and  back to the bike rental. I had a very important dinner date to catch with my friend Julie! I had missed her so much and it was good to see her in Seoul...though we were both Busanites when we first met.

Dinner conversation was great for catching up and I got to try a new soup and rice. There was this delicious homemade triangle noodle which I will not readily forget. In her Australian way, she covered the meal with a "my shout" haha, (which is just a fancy way to say, I am paying!), so I told her, I needed to "shout" at dessert...haha.

There is a place that always has a line here called "Kiss the Tiramasu" and we figured we would give it a try. We waited with all the eager locals in a red roped queue wondering what we were in for. Couple after couple would come out with champagne glasses of Tiramasu and take a selfie with the sign.

Next thing we know (video):

We are having layers of mascarpone, icecream, consensed milk, expresso, cocoa, and shaved chocolate poured into this cup.  We didn't know what to expect, and we hardly know what to call what we got, but alas, it was good! So... selfie time!

We walked around a little more and then found ourselves at a park where there was some sort of battle of the bands. We planted ourselves right up front with a group that played acoustic, bass, and gembe. We knew all the songs and it really was a neat little surprise to fill the heart.

So joyed to end my time in Korea this way. I loved it so much! But, the next adventure calls and on we go to schoolwork in Mongolia. Flying out in a few hours.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Video Update from Korea

Just a little video update on where I am now. 

I did really love my time here in Busan, but it was far too short. Heading to Seoul tonight to meet with one more friend this weekend and then flying to my field study in Mongolia on Sunday. Time flies more than I do...haha.

Internet should be rather rare out in Mongolia since we are camping in a national park most of the time. Will try and keep you updated. 😆

Monday, June 6, 2016

On the road again...well, the air that is...

Somehow my two week field study in Mongolia has turned into an even greater adventure. I left work on the 3rd to drive to Savannah and enjoy an amazing weekend with family. And let me tell you, they spoiled me. I ate so much southern fare and seafood, stayed at the Weston (not bad considering the next three weeks on the floors in Asia), had couple tours, and even a hair treatment at the spa.

After the amazing weekend in Savannah with the folks and the dog, I made the long trek to Atlanta and was blessed to stay the night again at a place that has come to be known lovingly as La Porte. My missionary friends gave me a place to do laundry, shower, and sleep as well as a lot of laughter, food, and even a game of chess...though I lost big time...haha. One friend even better got up at 4:00am and dropped me off at the airport.

And the rest is history. I am typing this little note from the airplane...where I got sat in the economy plus seat with all the legroom (that's blessing #2246 on my thankfulness list.) And I am heading toward my one stopover before winding up in Korea for a few days.

Hoping it all goes this smoothly for the next few days. And I am grinning big. Yay!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Aren't we tired of the B-word......?

I know I am tired of it.  It controls my life sometimes... you know the one; B-U-S-Y.

Yep, that one.  I am so tired of losing the only resource we cannot gain back in our lives.  Especially when I am losing it in a season where I am spending the majority of time doing things I don't even want to do.

BUT, (my favorite B-word), but I am coming up on a time that I will enjoy, very soon.  I have my field study for graduate school coming up.  This field study just happens to be in Mongolia, and I just so happen to get a few days before hand in Korea (yes the Asian nation that stole my heart).

So I will enjoy great food, lounge in jjimjilbangs, meet up with friends, and get to enjoy two services with my church. I haven't planned a lot about it, but I am going to be in Seoul and Busan.  And I am going to be so happy.

Other updates:
  • The woodpeckers have fledged and after much chasing with lenses we were able to spot one of our banded ones in the wild.
  • Burn season will close in the next few weeks, bringing our increasingly smaller team down to 2 people which means more fun scienc-y land management will be in my workdays.
  • I am hoping to meet my dad, stepmom, and dog down in Savannah just before heading off to my field study.  I am beyond joyful about that too!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Joyful Little Things

I finally got to enjoy the aspect of my job that is not related solely to setting the forest on fun as that is.  This time, I got to do some post burn evaluations and even monitor the endangered red cockaded woodpecker.  We have three banded ones that hang around here, and they just had chicks.  So the wildlife commission came out and we got to be a part of getting the new little guys cool! 

I am glad to be getting more into that aspect of my job, and I needed the pick me up as well as the break from burning.  I have been getting fatigued a bit here, and at times I forget all the things that used to make me so joyful.

Today was communion Sunday at church, and as I sat there preparing my heart for that, I got this mental picture.  I had just been telling God that I was sorry that I get so bummed so fast, and that I wanted to renew the way I joyful sought Him and did His will.  But as I was thinking this, I saw a version of that scene from Genesis 15 where God renews His covenant with Abraham.

It was an odd custom back then, but at that time, if you cut a bunch of animal sacrifices in half and walked with another person down the middle of them, then whatever you just agreed on was set.  That was like a "blood promise".  Whoever breaks that covenant has that blood to pay...

But God made His promise to Abraham and then He walked it by Himself...He didn't let Abraham enter in.  Basically God said, "it is on Me and Me alone to handle what I have said."  And surprise, even when the humans fail in our agreement, Jesus' blood still covers it.  WOW!

Anyway, when I got thinking about this, I was relieved.  I know that I want to try so much harder, and do so much better to joyfully seek Him.  I want to commit to have Him be the source of my peace. I want to make Him all these promises of how I can better serve Him, like prayer walks, practicing gifts, or reading more of my bible.  BUT, I really just felt like God was saying, "you can try to hold up your end of this...but remember, it's on ME not you".  Such a great reminder that it is by His strength that we can do all things, and when we fall short.  He's got it.

With that said, let's hope for some more awesome days of finding the joy, seeking Him, and saving the prayer walk, one forest fire, or one red cockaded woodpecker at a time.  What an odd season we are in, huh?

Friday, April 22, 2016

Lessons Learned

With every new job, there are always lessons learned.  For this one, I have quite a few:
  • There is no such thing as a quick burn.
  • You feel less self-conscious about eating out looking like a coal miner if you are not the only one.

  • If there is more than one input spout on the UTV, sniff it to be sure you are putting the right thing in the right spout.  I may have loaded water into the drip torch tank on our last burn...
  • We are above the law! Ha ha...

  • Poison oak really does look like a mini oak and should never be near your woodland potty location...
  • And sometimes the mosquito infested areas are the prettiest.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sit in His Promise

After five weeks here at the new job, new place, new people... I knew that I needed a break.  It's not that I don't like where I am, there is just a lot of stuff going now.  Many long shifts, many grad school assignments, many times where I just miss the calm, the rest, the friends of before, the alone time with God.

This weekend, I got to a bit of all of those.  I spent a night alone at an AirBnB, then got to visit one of those friends from before.  We went to the Aquarium in Atlanta and I got to visit her church, a house church through the 320 Network that my squad coaches from the World Race started.  It was a time that honestly was so edifying that I didn't want to come back at all.

Talking with my old coach and finally getting to speak so much that had been on my heart was great.  And I was able to vocalize how it is easier to give God our youth but not our whole life.  These days I have been a little more worried, because I know that God is calling me in the near future to crazy things, but He hasn't given me the details.  And at this point in life, one is expected to have a plan, not just follow the "whims of the spirit".  Months ago, God and I spoke about this though, and He knows that I will give Him my all.  Though I sometimes need some time to do it.

Anyway, after all this, I went back to my friend's place and she and another former world racer prayed over me.  And the word that she got for me was, "Sit in His promises".  I don't know what this season will hold, or what I am doing half the time, but I know His promises...there is a book full of them.  I can take comfort in that knowing they are for me and confident in my place in His will.

Friday, March 25, 2016

A Video to Thank Laura Jean... :-)

First of all... I need to give God the glory.  There is no way that I could do a job this physically strenuous and time consuming, while doing gradschool, having my garden, housekeeping, making and eating food, having a social life, and getting in the quiet time for myself and Him.  But what is impossible for me alone, it so very easy for God.  And He has multiplied the "oil and flour" (1 Kings 17:8-16) of my days and weeks so that I could get everything that I needed to get done, done...and stay mostly sane doing it.
He has also provided me with such good my friend Laura who sent me a hydration pack for my birthday so that I could stay happy and healthy on the firelines.  This video is to thank you Laura.  :-)

I probably don't say it enough.  But I REALLY love God.  And I am finally getting stoked about this next season with Him.  It has taken a little while to adjust, but perhaps southern Georgia will be quite the place of growth for us.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Waste Not Want Not...

When I first got back to the States, I made a habit of indulgence.  I would eat something I hadn't had for a while, because "I deserved it" and the same for every comfort of home.

Though I have been back in America for months now, I still am so excited and thankful for my hot showers. And when seemed that the length of the shower had been increasing over those first few months, I knew something needed to change. Long showers are not good because of the gas used to heat the water but also because of the water consumption itself. According the US Geological Service, old showers use up to 5 gallons of water per minute. With my personal average shower estimated at 15 minutes these days I am using 75 gallons of water per shower. If I only shower every other day, I will be using 300 gallons of water a week on showers alone. This isn't even considering water use in other places, such as laundry, dishes, drinking, flushing (4 gallons a flush, by the way), washing face or hands, and pets (USGS, 2015).

So when my Issues in Biodiversity Class challenged me to a lifestyle change for the betterment of nature, I chose the shower.  I started out by timing my first two weeks of showers just to see what my average truly was. The average shower time was lower than expected at 11.82 minutes per shower.  The next two weeks of the project marked my first action phase.  I calculated half of the average of the first two weeks, and set a timer to alarm me during my showers.  Half of the average made 5.91 so I just set the alarm for 6 minutes each time.

When I aware of the passage of 6 minutes it seemed that my shower time decreased.  The average for the next two weeks was actually calculated to 8 minutes exactly.  One again half was calculated and the alarm was set for 4 minutes for the next two weeks.  Though I am not down with this current two week segment I am looking at an average of 5.48 minutes.

Total reduction to date is 6.34 minutes or a reduction of 31.7 gallons of water per shower. Which reduces the estimated water used per week on showering down to 126.8 gallons instead of 300.  That is over a 50% decrease in water use all due to an alarm being set.

I think my little experiment is going quite well, and I don't plan to stop until the time naturally levels out.  And hopefully by then, I will not even need and alarm anymore.

So, what to do with this info?  Think about it, is there a small change that you feel you can make in your life?  Something that won't be a big or difficult thing but over time will add up?  Why not give it a shot?


USGS (2015, December 21). Per capita water use: How much water do you use in your home? Retrieved January 31, 2016, from

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

How to PIT Tag a Snake

So a researcher and a group of citizen scientists showed up at my doorstep as I began eating my grapefruit and honey on my day off.  They said that they were coming onto our preserve to PIT tag the eastern indigo snake, which is a really cool rare species but we have it here.  So of course, despite exhaustion, I agreed to come when they offered the invite.  It was neat to see the process since I recently did a report on tagging and tracking methods for my graduate studies.

Below shows you a little bit of that process:

Saturday, March 5, 2016

This Girl is on Fire!

 So I didn't get those photos from my co-worker from the training burn, but I actually risked taking my camera to our second fire as a team.  And I didn't drop it into oblivion so that is a plus.  

My team and I began the burn day by analyzing the burn site. We then set up the pump from the first photo in the creek and filled our ATV tank and Engine tank with water (Just in Case!)  Then we split the team and burned from two sides.

My fireline seen in photo 3 was bordering private logging land so we had to be extra careful.  I got a pretty good blaze going with a drip torch and backburned a good section of black to start with.
My teammate Mary Nell is showing you the drip torch in this photo.  

Overall we made some very happy trees and got rid of some things that don't belong there.  But we did have to rescue this little guy from the fire.  Luckily he only got a little warm and after I gave him some water he was good to go.

And that was a typical burn day. For more information about the benefits of a fire in this region check out: 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I Shouldn't Be Typing This Now....

...because the pile of gradschool work sitting next to me on the hotel bed just screams out for my attention.

But let's face it, it's been a month since I last typed and there is a lot to share.

I am currently in a hotel because I have been flown down to Georgia to finish off my wildland fire-fighting training and prescribed burn training with the Nature Conservancy.  They offered me a job in southeastern GA for a yearlong land management internship.  This means I am no longer subbing, janitor-ing, or cooking at the restaurant.  I got another big girl job in my field...

After MANY hours of online training, which competed with my "current" (at the time) jobs, gradschool, and life in general, I am happy to say that I am very close to being certified as a Fire-Fighter Type 2.  And after running off to Colorado next week to visit my dear friend from undergrad, I will drive down to Georgia for good as a preserve assistant in this internship.

I don't know what this next year will hold, but I guarantee challenges, and lessons.  I know I will learn so much, and I know it is good.  Wish me luck, and hopefully the next time I check in, I can tell you more about the preserve. (Hopefully I will be caught up on school work by then too!)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hello 2016

Looking back on what 2015 and honestly 2014 brought to the table, I am thoroughly unprepared for this whole 2016 thing. Truly, I am nowhere that I would have picked for myself, but I am seeing God show up in mighty ways. I spend half the time crying out for His timing to look more like I want it to, and I spend the other half apologizing for doubting when I see how His awesome timing worked out so wonderfully!  I mean, I get "gobsmacked" by His perfect timing.... EVERY TIME.  (You think I would come to expect it eventually...but I am human...and flawed.)

But right now it looks like the follows:
  • I have an interview lined up for a wildlife rehab center next week.  I would be the education coordinator for all their programs.
  • I am applying to be a substitute teacher for the surrounding counties.  This was something that was suggested to me by 3 separate people (one in Atlanta) and the money for the license came in a God way I think I am supposed to be doing this.
  • School starts back on the 25th of January and I am going to be doing two online classes until my field study in June to Mongolia to study Steppe Ecology and Civic Media.
  • I am meditating daily on scripture which is super hard since stilling my mind is like hugging a cat....haha.  But it's peaceful at times, and it makes me more likely to come back to scriptures in my prayers and thoughts.
And that's probably all the stuff worth mentioning.  I don't know what this year will look like, I mean, January itself is going so not according to plan...but it's going to be good. I have a feeling about that.  Let's have another adventure!  Hello 2016!