Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Belize Blog- 07/19/2015

It’s a little toasty here in Belize.  

I do look forward to heading to the comfort of home in a little over a week.  I want to be fully present and enjoy my time here, which I am.  But home is not far from my mind.  The plethora of bug bites / chemical burns from deet mixed with sunscreen aside, it is comfortable here.  We have beds and showers.  We are working constantly and learning at every moment.  It’s hard to give you the typical day since every day is different. 

But for me, I wake at about 4:30am or 5:00am every morning.  This gives me time to read my bible and pray a little.  Also it’s a good time to journal.   Breakfast is at 6:00am typically and then some sort of class discussion or activity follows.  So far as activities go, we have designed and tested a couple of experiments both at the nature center and the zoo, gone on nature walks, gone to the howler monkey sanctuary, attended a homestay, toured some Mayan ruins, and today we head off to the Cayes for our coral section of the course.  The days are long though, since we finish our last discussion at about 8:30pm or 9:00pm typically.  I am the type of person who goes to bed shortly after that if I can.  I may journal then, but usually I am too tired.

I have actually managed to catch a cold, the snotting, coughing, throaty, sneezy type.  And it has drained me.  I was blessed enough to get to skip out on one lecture though, it was a review of some of the statistics that we covered online over the past few weeks.   So it’s really cool to have such flexible leaders here. 

Anyway…with the time crunch, I am going to have to run…so, [insert lovely blog wrap-up here]. 

Musings after returning from the Caye:

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