Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Madness Pure Madness!

Madness is the only word that can describe driving in the mountains.  My little car, loaded down with all my possessions, could barely make it up hills.  Then on the downhill parts I would squeal and hit the brakes around all the corners.  The curves were as close to u-turns as possible and the whole experience reminded me of my first time mountain-biking… (without hitting a tree or having the brakes fail of course!)  There was one little thing though:

I was going up a particularly tough hill, talking Perry (my car) through it.  “Come on Perry!  You can do it!  I think you can, I think you can, I think you can!”  Then as we crested the hill Perry talked back…totally didn’t see that coming!  I heard this alarm going off and words scrolled across my dash, “Oil Pressure Low.   Turn Off Engine Immediately.”

What?  I am on a mountain!  I pulled over as soon as I could and of course there was no cell signal in the area.  I assumed low pressure means I should add oil.  But the spare quart of oil was at the bottom of my trunk under all my stuff.  I had to unpack some of it and climb over the rest to try to get my fingers on the oil, but I managed. 

After filling up and getting back on the road, I found the nearest gas station (at the top of another big hill).  This place was OLD!  You had to rotate a lever and then start pumping.  As you fueled the numbers spun on wheels to tell you how much you were filling.  Mountains use A LOT more gas than the beach did.

The winding roads did lead me to my new studio apartment which is on a dirt road, rather far from everything else (other than work…its right near the park).  And I will unpack and start my job this week.  I will post photos as soon as I get things sorted.

For info about my unpacking in the SNOW, go to http://carolineritchey.theworldrace.org/.

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